Projecting Self Respect
I started to make this a glib Facebook status, but decided instead that my little mini-rant could actually be a blog post.
My Dyson got clogged somehow. Cleaning up the sawdust from the demo of my cabinet to make my new refrigerator fit (details and pictures coming soon!), I realized that it wasn’t really performing with the legendary Dyson sucking power (Sara – ♥) so I took it apart to find out the problem (I wasn’t the last to use it, so I couldn’t figure out what could possibly be wrong.) After I extracted a pearl necklace and some crayons, as I was putting it back together, a piece fell off. I couldn’t get it to go on right, so instead of forcing it (since most of the parts of a Dyson are plastic, and I’d rather not force a piece of plastic to a breaking point) I went ahead and took it to a vacuum cleaner repair shop.
The shop is downtown in our little town, near the courthouse. I love our downtown. It’s very quaint and timeless. Across from the shop is a new restaurant called The Dog House -a very fun and very cute lunch place. Since their hot dogs are all beef, the boys and I ate lunch there while waiting for the vacuum cleaner.
While in the Dog House, a girl came in to get an application, because they’re opening another one across town. She had on sweat pants, an old t-shirt, and her hair was in a pony tail. That might have seemed odd, but the girl behind the counter taking applications had on Captain Morgan pajamas.
What is wrong with people today? I almost feel like it’s a sign of a lack of self respect. Seeing people going into stores in pajama bottoms is very weird to me. Seeing people working in the stores in pajama bottoms seems WRONG to me. Being served by a woman my age wearing pajamas advertising spiced rum and taking an application from a girl in sweatpants seems completely backwards.
It just seems like that if you wake up in the morning and feel good about yourself, about life, about your part in God’s plan, then you’d have enough self respect to at the very least throw on a pair of jeans. I would think that your outward appearance, how you project yourself to others, is worth at least a small amount of effort.
But day by day, it seems this wave of sloppy, casual, I-don’t-care-about-myself-or-my-appearance is just spreading, and in a small way that makes me a little sad.
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Love this post, I totally agree.
First and foremost, did they fix the Dyson?
I don’t think it is so much a lack of self-respect as it is pure laziness that drives people to dress like complete slobs (because really, I won’t even wear those ugly pj pants as pjs because they are ugly and I like to look nice for my husband).
I feel lucky that I work in an environment where everyone takes great pride in looking professional. This encompasses not only their attire, but also their actual physical appearance. It takes me less than 10 minutes in the morning to put on a well-cut, stylish suit and heels, brush my hair and put on basic make-up. It would take me almost that long to wear pj pants to work, unless I opted to wear the ones I slept in and not brush my hair.
Laziness is my only answer. Because, if you are correct and it is self-respect, this world has become a sad place.
They did! They had to take it completely apart, but it got fixed. I was relieved, to say the least.
Hallee, this is such an issue for me. There are days when I go to town and come back home only to tell DH, “Weld our gate shut! Let’s just stay on our property indefinitely!” I don’t understand people. I guess misery loves company because I’m glad you’re irritated too!
Hmmm, I think it comes down to a whole bunch of apathy. Whether that is from a lack of parenting or proper teaching, I don’t know. I feel it in so many ways everywhere. Sometimes even in my own life. We are so busy being busy that we don’t have the energy to do the right things.
As a side note, I thought of you yesterday. I was in cut off sweats and a t-shirt all day yesterday , but made sure I put on a pair of nice slacks & a sweater to pick Rebecca up off her bus and take Emma to dance. That’s not to say I don’t wear yoga pants outside of the house any more, but your postings have got me thinking anyway. ;)