The Garden – Week 6
I know some of you have been wondering why I didn’t post any garden pictures last week. Well, I took them, and the garden needed to be weeded so badly that you couldn’t see the plants for the weeds and grass growing, so I didn’t post them. Here’s what I mean:
So, needless to say, I had some work to do there. Here are this week’s shots. It’s still not where I want it to be, but the plants are at least not being choked by the weeds.
The corn is doing beautifully.
But, look at this — these are several “volunteer” tomatoes that have popped up. Along this row, I grew tomatoes last year. So these plants are from seeds that fell either from a bird eating a tomato or from a tomato falling and not being harvested. Isn’t that neat? I don’t know what the shade of the corn will do to the fruit, but I can’t wait to try them!
On the other side of the yard another volunteer tomato plant popped up near the carrots.
The green bean bushes are doing well. I’m going to get some poles for them this week.
The peas are beautiful little plants. I love all of the different elements of them. I had to unwind a lot of their little viny grabber offshoots from weeds.
My peppers are doing beautifully. I have about six different kind growing.
One kind is even starting to grow!
The tomato plants recovered from whatever was attacking them and are starting to flourish.
The onions look a little stronger – I’ve been worried about them.
The carrots in the picture look drowned out by the edge of the grass, but they’re not. They look lovely. I’ve already started harvesting the radishes.
All along the top of the rows, I planted cucumbers. I did that so that they could vine and branch out away from the garden. They’re starting to bloom!
The watermelon is growing nicely. I don’t know how well it will produce since I only have one plant here. I’m going to keep an eye out for another one. My cantaloupe all finally died. I planted honeydew seeds in its place, but I’m not going to hold my breath over them.
The zucchini and squash are such beautiful, full plants. I can’t wait until they’re producing!
I found a packet of pumpkin seeds and a Diego shovel here a few weeks ago. Check out Scott’s pumpkins! I need to get in there and weed it out this week.
I don’t think I’ve shown you a picture of my strawberry plants yet. I doubt I’ll get anything out of them this year, but I look forward to the years to come!
Here are the grape bushes I planted.
The lettuce is growing nicely. I need to thin it out a lot more.
This picture is foggy. The air was very humid and kept fogging up my camera lens. Here are the potatoes. They’re so big now.
The herbs are just beautiful. I’m so pleased with this idea.
My apple tree is just weighted down with apples. I can’t wait until they’re ripe enough to eat!
How is your garden growing?
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What a beautiful garden Hallee. I love the idea for the herbs growing, can you share more on this, I’d like to try it one day.
Everything looks like it is doing so well. I am in awe of the potato trashcan. I can’t wait to see the harvest!! Your peppers are doing really well too. I might add those to my fall garden this year (along with tomatos and onions) so we can make some homemade salsa.
As for your onions, many of mine got off to a slow start. They broke ground quickly, but then went stagnant for several weeks. I read in my gardening book that onions need pure water saturation daily for maximum growth. So, I started watering them a lot more than my zuchini and they shot up big and strong. The two I harvested last night for green onions were delicious!!!
What awesome pictures! Thanks for sharing. I am new to gardening so I loved to see what all of the different plants looked like! :D
Your garden looks great. I can’t wait for apple butter and salsa. hahaha
I’m dying to see how the experiment w/ the potatoes turns out!