The Garden – Week 3
It’s all starting to happen this week. Lots of progress has been made, but there’s still work to do every day. Here’s the view of the big garden – the shadow of the house is annoying. Sorry about that. I didn’t take the picture until Wednesday morning, when I have been taking them Tuesday evening:
The corn is looking good.
The peas finally came up.
The beans would be doing well if I could keep the puppy from eating them.
Something has gotten into my tomatoes. I’m not sure what or what to do about it. You can see that the seedlings have the same problem, but not the squash seedlings next to them. Any ideas would be a blessing.
I put the zucchini and yellow squash in their own little area – the plants get so big and will have so much harvest that I wanted easy access to them.
I’ve planted peppers, jalepenos, eggplant, chillies, cucumber:
The radishes seem to be very healthy.
My carrots never did pop up, and the onion aren’t loving the garden too much.
The potatoes are as full of dirt as they can be. Now they just need to grow and mature.
I started the herb garden in the shoe tree. Obviously, I have more work to do on it.
And my lettuce is growing beautifully in its container. I am about to start a second container of mixed greens as well.
That’s this week’s pictures. How is your garden coming along?
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looks like your garden is growing well! i haven’t killed mine yet and we are on week 2 or 3. I think I even have some strawberries coming…but my mom told me not to be hopeful but i do see them!
Hiya! Just caught your tweet on your garden! Lookin’ great! Our yard is too shady for a garden so I normally do container garden of cherry tomatoes, peppers and herbs. This year I have 4 heirloom tomatoes and 2 cherry size heirlooms, green and orange pepper, 4 types of hot peppers and herbs. They are doing great and I have tomatoes popping up and a lot of blooms. I’m hoping for good results this year. Last year it was too rainy and a lot of people didn’t get tomatoes worth doing anything with. I’ll have to take picks and make a post! I wish I would have started from the beginning like you did with photos!!! Can’t wait to see your progress!
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Great looking garden Hallee. I am hoping to get mine in this weekend. Last year, I had tomato worms, so maybe that is what is getting at your tomatoes. I found a website that gives pretty good information Hope you find out what is going on with the tomatoes.