Wordless Wednesday: Sitting Around, Reading the Paper
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5 Minutes for Mom |
lol how funny!
Me and Mine in a Small Town
rofl, comfy!
Wow! How interesting! At least they are carpooling :).
Happy WW!
Now that’s the life! Funny picture.
Oh my! They must be sure of their safety, even if I’m not!
And people say we don’t read the paper anymore.
Now that’s the way to travel.
That is something that makes sitting in traffic worth seeing huh :)
So funny!!!
Making the best use of their time. :)
That is hilarious!!!
Thats great! I love it when I see things like that
LOL! Too funny!
Too funny. Looks like a good way to travel.
Happy WW :)
lol thats too funny. Wow I have never seen that before.
What a hoot! That is a very good picture, especially considering you’re on the road!