Blizzard Bloghop Tour: Third Hops
Welcome to the Blissdom Blizzard Bloghop short tour, day three. This is the third time I will play tourguide on a whirlwind trip through the Blissdom Blizzard bloggers. I’ll post about 10 tourspots a day in no particular order until we get through the list.
I regret that I had to skip a few. If a linked blog was too “edgy” then I couldn’t make it a tour spot. If I skipped you, please don’t take it personally.
That said, help yourself to coffee or hot chocolate. Grab some warm (but still stylish) shoes, and your purse of course, and since it’s a blizzard maybe a matching scarf and gloves, and let’s go hopping.
Let’s start the tour with a BRAND NEW BLOG! That was my attempt at a Price is Right kind of excited voice. You’ve just won a BRAND NEW CAR! I don’t know much about Lydia @ He Me & B since this is her first and only post but I can”t wait to go back and visit in a few weeks to learn a little more. Welcome to the blogosphere, Lydia.
Everyone stay together. Nine more blogs to see.
Okay. We have a blogger who needs some advice. Hop over here and meet Stephanie B at Bowmania. Steph describes herself as a devoted mom of 4 in a state of holy matrimony with Gabe. She joyfully mothers three boys ages 7, 5, and 3, and a little girl age 1. She proclaims that she is a servant of God who finds joy in serving her family. If anyone has a bread machine you can recommend, can you drop her a line? I am going to try to share my new experiences with my grain mill and some bread recipes and other recipes. In fact, I am really looking forward to swapping recipes and blessings at Bowmania.
Here at the mrs @ Trying Our Best, I met “The Mrs., Flyboy, and the Dash Brothers.” And by that I mean I met a neat Marine wife, her flyboy hubby, and their three adorable sons affectionately known as -1, -2, and -3 who range in age from 5 years to 3 monhts. I love the heart that the Mrs displays on this blog and could really identify with the notion of “knowing he’s here.”
Next stop on the tour is the the fairly new blog of the newlywed Bierschenks. Allow me to introduce beautiful Kate and her dashing paratrooper husband of 8 months who is doing all he can to be a Ranger just like my daddy. Kate describes herself as a Newlywed Army Wife, Texas State Bobcat, History Major, Fur-Baby Mom, Sister, Daughter, Knitter, Painter, Dancer, Really Bad Puzzler, Chauffeur, Appointment Maker, Night Owl, Texas Girl, Teacher who will share about all of these aspects of her personality all “with strong southern Christian undertones.” HAHA. I am fascinated by the new twist on the Love Dare she describes and I am definitely going to be keeping up with Kate and her soon-to-be-Ranger hubby.
Psalm 19:14 is the welcome mat at the blog of Georgia Peach and Pastor’s wife, Teri Lynne and her Pleasing to You blog. Teri has been married to Scott since 1996 and they are parents to the lovely Casiday. I am looking forward to visiting often and getting more inspiration on Biblical Womanhood. Teri Lynne’s artical entitled Practial Submission gave me some practical insights into how to better and more Biblically love my husband.
We’re halfway through! Five more blogs on this tour. Anyone need a refill? Okay. Stay together.
Let’s hop over to the Feels Like Home Blog and meet Tara and her amazing husband and toddler daughter. Tara is a Foodie like me who has made a goal of reading the Bible in 90 days and losing 100 pounds this year. She’s a mom, a cook, and a crafty lady. I am definitely going to have a great time looking through her recipe cards.
Hop over to meet Hope and read about her Crazy Busy Life. Hope is a Navy wife and mother of 3 aged 16,14 and 10. She says she loves cooking, crafting, blogging, and family. I am going to take a closer look at some of her Menu Monday Plans for sure.
Okay folks. Only three stops left on today’s tour. Everyone stay together.
If you are a Military Brat, you will chuckle at the clever title of Ashley’s blog which is Raising Brats. Ashley and soldier Nate have been in a state of holy matrimony for a few years now and presently devote their time to raising 3 military brats age 7, 5, and 1. This is a yours and ours story that I can’t wait to read in more detail.
Next to last stop on our tour is Argyle & Apricots. Allow me to introduce Lori Z. Lori and her husband Danny are the parents of two lovely girls age 16 and 4 ½. Let me sum up. I instantly felt a connection with Lori, who describes herself as a closet writer. If we were next door neighbors, we would seriously make mom-dates and dish about our Christian walk and writing (and blogging). I am completely impressed with her heart for God, her family, and ministry. Completely. I read her thoughts on Establishing a Quiet Time and felt convicted. I may have to revamp my schedule again.
Our last stop on this today’s tour is really, really special. Visit Mom’s Sharpening Mom’s who say that dullness is no longer an option. I am going to say this. I love this blog. The theme is a paraphrase of Proverbs 27:17, as iron sharpens iron. This is a blog run by, presently, four of my sisters in Christ whose husbands are all stationed in Albuquerque, New Mexico. I encourage you to spend some time at this last stop on the tour and read the story of these amazing ladies.
Okay, everyone! That concludes today’s tour. I hope you enjoyed it and I encourage you to visit these awesome, inspiring, funny, and interesting blogs. If you like what these ladies do, don’t be shy about leaving them a comment. Comments are the currency that rewards the blogger’s soul. Happy hopping everyone!
I’m so grateful for your visit, today.
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What a brilliant idea of yours…a bloghop roundup! Love this idea, and not just because you were kind enough to include our blog! Truly, a great idea.
I look forward to getting to know you better, girl! Don’t be a stranger, k?
Thanks for stopping at my blog on your tour!!! I agree, I would love a neighbor like you!!!! I am giving you a perfect 10 for this blog hop.
Lori Z