Wordless Wednesday: The Daddy Bear
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So sweet :)
How sweet! So excited for you all! I didn’t realize your husband was deployed. I know you’ll be happy to have him home.
I’m driving my parents to the airport today for their annual mission trip to the Philippines. They will be there for 5 weeks. Please pray for them.
I’m happy to pray for them. Just fyi – I just recently put up a prayer request page. If you want to add them up there, please do.
so sweet! im sure he will be very excited to see daddy!
Yippee for coming home this weekend!
Adorable pic
Awwww how sweeeeeeet!!!!! :) That’s so precious …
He has such a protective embrace over that bear. Darling!
So cute. So so cute.
So sweet!
So cute.
I really hope daddy is back home safe and sound on Saturday.
We never now what can happend around the next corner in that part of the world