Tag: World Wide Web

What This Is Not

Wordpress has had a few major security updates lately. Gregg has always handled everything on the site end of this blog, but one of the updates happened while he was traveling home from Afghanistan. During his most recent (and final) trip home, it took him four days of traveling before he was finally here – and most of those days he had no internet connection.

So, when Wordpress updated, it stripped my Stat Counter code.


Just Do It

I saw Cathy of Cathy’s Creations post a link on Facebook a few days ago with a story about the staggering number of orphans post earthquake/tsunami in Japan. She said, “I wish there was something I/we could do for these children.” It got me thinking.


It’s a Dismally Lonely Business, Writing

This morning while working, I stopped to use a thesaurus. I use on online thesaurus. I have one built into my writing program that’s good, but I like the online thesaurus best because, well, I guess just because. So, whenever I use it, which is all the time, I leave the writing program and go online (and maybe check Facebook and my comments here – heh.)


365 Days Ago

I love this blog. I love that the one-year-anniversary-giveaway has over 600 comments. I love that there is a steady number of you who have been with me from the very first post and who still read me every day. I love that people do searches for “Hallee the Homemaker” because someone has told them about this site. I love that God has allowed me this opportunity to meet so many wonderful people, to do Bible studies, to have debates and disagreements, to have conversations, to share recipes and stories from life, to pray for each other.


Blog Award: Kreativ Blogger

I am very pleased, honored, and excited to accept this, my sixth blog award. I have to thank my husband, my children, and all my friends for keeping the great ideas coming and for keeping me fresh and on my toes. But mostly, I have to thank God for His hand on my every day life. He is on the throne and in control and through Him all things are possible and to Him all glory and all honor is due.


Out with Adsense, In with Good Sense

Unlike the Chrstianbook.com and occasional Amazon links found here, we had no control over the content of the Google Ads, and they very often linked to sites that were in direct oppostion to my mission statement. We decided to remove the Google Ads from the main blog. We felt they had no place here.



I am now on Twitter. My name is halleeb (Hallee B.) As I’m trying to figure out this new venture, please add me to your follow list and I’ll add you and we’ll tweet and re-twit and just have a grand time. :-)

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