Tag: Stormie Omartian

The Power of a Praying Wife: Chapter 15 – His Reputation

I read in a marriage book one time to be careful with whom you share your marital problems, because it’s very easy to update friends on the problems, but we tend to forget to update on the progress. If you’re like me, you can sit there and think of friends who seem to constantly trash talk their husbands, but who rarely praise them for anything good they’ve done.

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The Power of a Praying Wife: Chapter 11 – His Health

During an airborne operation, my husband, Gregg, discovered that he was allergic to fire ants. He parachuted out of a plane and landed on a fire ant bed. He was bitten several times, resulting in his body producing massive amounts of histamines that started to send him into anaphylaxis. After taking a dose of Benadryl, we both still thought maybe he should go to the emergency room, just in case.

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The Power of a Praying Wife – Chapter 10: His Choices

In the course of our discussing it, we discussed the fact that God has placed the husband as the head of the family. Gregg said, “I am responsible for my choices. If I make a bad decision, God is going to say to me, ‘Why did you make this bad decision?’ If I seek your counsel and take your advice, God is not going to say to you, ‘Why did you give bad advice?’ God is going to say to me, ‘Why did you make this bad decision?'”


The Power of a Praying Wife: Chapter 7 – His Mind

The first thing that attracted me to Gregg was his mind. Before we met in person, we had known each other online for two years as part of a writers’ group. This group was supposed to be about writing, but writers like to read what they write, so it was a prolific bunch. We discussed everything from writing to politics to religion. After 9-11, it really exploded with talking and writing, and it wasn’t unusual to get 400-500 emails a day. Gregg and I are very similarrily minded when it comes to religion and politics, so we “bonded” intellectually long before we met. However, that bonding never went beyond the discussions to anything personal simply because I was married. The first time we ever had a private conversation, I was already separated from my husband.

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The Power of a Praying Wife – Chapter 6: His Temptation

Men are visual creatures. And we live in an extremely visual world. From swimsuit models pedaling beer to shiny sports car commercials, we are bombarded visually on a constant basis. You can barely even read a website without your peripheral vision being attacked with ads that flash, scroll, bleep, bloop. I was on a website recently trying to read a long line of text and an ad in the sidebar was so annoying that I had to open another window and put it in front of the one I was reading to block the ad.


The Power of a Praying Wife: The Power


As I read this introduction to the book, I was overwhelmed. For those of you who have not read my testimony, when our youngest son, Johnathan, was an infant, Gregg and I went through a terrible time in our marriage. Gregg was suffering from a terrible depression that was manifesting itself in destructive ways. Since we only saw each other on weekends, I had no idea about how much he was suffering. I was just going through my happy life never believing for a moment that my marriage might be in trouble, that my husband might be in agonizing pain, that satan was wielding his destructive ways and working on both of us.

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