I worked in the construction industry for twelve years. For twelve years, I was surrounded, day in and day out, with men working in a man’s environment. The language that was peppered throughout my place of employment on a daily basis would make a sailor blush. It was such a part of my daily life that I didn’t even hear it. There was one man with whom I worked who could use a curse word five times in a sentence: as the noun, adjective, adverb, pronoun, and verb. It was nearly comical.
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I was very curious about the way Stormie Omartian addressed this chapter. She basically said that if you (the wife) keep your husband a priority, then it will help him keep his priorities straight. Then she spent the chapter explaining how to keep your husband a priority.
Pin ItThis chapter was by far the longest chapter in the book, and it was so clear that I had a, “Duh!” moment reading it. Early in the chapter, Stormie says, “When you pray for your husband, especially in the hopes of changing him, you can surely expect some changes. But the first changes won’t be in him. They’ll be in you…God sees things we don’t. He knows where we have room for improvement. He doesn’t have to search long to uncover attitudes and habits that are outside His perfect will for us.”