Tag: reading the Bible

From Beginning to End

Almost exactly four years ago, I determined I would read the Bible through – starting in Genesis and ending in Revelation, from Old Testament to New Testament, in order.

Despite being raised in the church and being a Christian for most of my adult life, I’d never done that before. I’ve read a lot of some of the books of the Bible, but some of them I’d never even opened. I’ve faithfully attended several services a week in churches all over the country most of my life, and heard sermons preached from several different books of the Bible, but, again, some books were never opened.


Our Sound Bite Culture

There’s a woman I know who is young – maybe 21-years-old or even younger. She has three children by three men and has never been married. She lives with her mother. Her current boyfriend does not live with her, but he does spend the night often. She gambles regularly. And, she is deeply spiritual. You won’t find someone who talks about Jesus Christ more than her.

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