The before dinner devotions are open – it will be whatever my husband or I determines will be discussed at that time. During breakfast, however, we have a set Bible reading.
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I was talking to a retired homicide detective last week. He said that every dead child, every drug induced murder, every senseless death born of greed and anger and malice destroyed him inside. But, as a homicide detective, he couldn’t let those emotions out. Instead of going into some dead child’s bedroom and crying in a corner, he had to buck up and do his job. To compensate, he would go home and drink. His wife didn’t understand what he was struggling with, because he couldn’t open up the floodgate of emotions that would come as a result of acknowledging them, and in the end it nearly destroyed their marriage.
Pin ItIn the course of our discussing it, we discussed the fact that God has placed the husband as the head of the family. Gregg said, “I am responsible for my choices. If I make a bad decision, God is going to say to me, ‘Why did you make this bad decision?’ If I seek your counsel and take your advice, God is not going to say to you, ‘Why did you give bad advice?’ God is going to say to me, ‘Why did you make this bad decision?'”
This chapter is extremely timely for me. Since long before we were married, Gregg has done the same thing. He is a computer consultant and teacher. A company calls him and says, “We need x, y, and maybe z.” And, Gregg packs his bags and makes hotel reservations and flies to the company and does x, y, and usually z². Another company will call and say, “We have this situation and this many people need training.” So, Gregg will pack his bag, make hotel reservations, and fly to the next exotic city where he’ll teach and train for a week or more. He’s really quite good at what he does.
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