Tag: Microbiology

Avoiding Salmonella in Melons

The more I researched, the more I discovered that you could not only catch salmonella from melons, you could also get E.coli 0157, hepatitis A, Cryptosporidium and Shigella. These food born illnesses can be found in the dirt where melons grow – and since melons grow in the dirt, the rinds get contaminated. When you run a knife through the melon to cut it, it touches the rind then it touches the fruit inside.


Creation: Abiogenesis Part II

Abiogenesis is the notion that if you assemble all of the base components you need in order for life to exist under the ideal conditions, that life will simply happen. The context of this so called theory is that all of the base components needed in order for life to exist, along with all of the ideal conditions, had to have come together randomly and exclusively by way of undirected processes.

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the sick house

My house has been the sick house this week. We were in Chicago on vacation, and the day after we got home, my daughter came home from school complaining of a sore throat. By that night, her temperature had spiked. The next morning, my son woke up lethargic and throwing up.

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