Tag: Holy Week

A Time of Rest

Ten days ago, I left my home in Kentucky and headed south to Tallahassee, Florida. I got into town Thursday afternoon, visited friends, and went to another friend’s house for the evening. Friday morning I did some business at the courthouse, had lunch with friends, picked Kaylee up from school, had dinner with friends, and went back to a friend’s house for the evening. Saturday morning, we headed south toward the Florida Panhandle’s coast, picking up a friend of Kaylee’s on the way, and took up residence in a little beach house in Mexico Beach.


Eostre & the Chocolate Bunny

The Easter holiday is barely removed from its pagan background. Easter even gets its name from the pagan goddess of spring, Eostre. The myth has it that she rescued a bird whose wings were frozen from the winter wind by turning it into a rabbit. Because the rabbit had once been a bird, it could lay eggs. And there you have the modern Easter Bunny and Easter eggs.


Resurrection Cookies

I make this recipe with my kids every Easter eve. We enjoy the cookies the next morning with our eggs for breakfast the next morning. The kids can’t wait to open the oven door the next morning. I originally found the recipe here. I LOVE how I get to read the Bible with them as we make these cookies, how they get to have some application to apply to the story to help them retain what they’re reading and/or hearing. This is a beautiful hands-on tool to teach the resurrection of our Lord.

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Ash Wednesday & Lenten

Today is Ash Wednesday and the first day of Lent, both of which mark the beginning of the observance of the Easter Season. Ash Wednesday comes from the practice of placing ashes on the foreheads of the faithful as a sign of repentance. Traditionally, the ashes used are gathered after the Palm Crosses from the previous year’s Palm Sunday are burned and mixed with oil. In the Roman Catholic Church, Ash Wednesday is observed by fasting, abstinence from meat, and repentance. It is a day for contemplating one’s transgressions. Ash Wednesday is also the first day of Lent.

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