Tag: Giveaways
Since Facebook only allows about 50-60 people out of the over 2,000 who have “liked” my page to even see what I post, and since Twitter and Google+ are very “noisy” and hard to pick out actual meat, starting in January I will be generating a monthly newsletter and sending occasional email alerts. So that you don’t miss announcements and news, you can sign up for that by entering your email address in this box below. I am doing a giveaway with newsletter signup — anyone who signs up between now and January 7th will be entered to win your choice of any of my books in paperback form or all of them in e-book form:
I am giving away this bracelet along with an autographed copy of the paperback version of the book, Topaz Heat, Book 3 of the Jewel Trilogy.
Pin ItStill Blonde after all these Years! is doing an AMAZING giveaway of The Jewel Trilogy and the bracelets inspired by the books that were designed by Cathy’s Creations. Go here to check them out! http://stillblondeafteralltheseyears.com/2012/09/126-the-jewel-trilogy-by-hallee-bridgeman-3-books-bracelets-sweep/