But, ladies and gentleman, just as Pluto is no longer a planet, Brontosaurus is no longer a dinosaur. In fact, the tale of Brontosaurus is grounded in fraud, and it starts with the head.
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“The problem is, at some point the fossil was known by “Geographic” to be a fake, and that information was not revealed,” Storrs L. Olson, Curator of Birds, National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution.
Pin ItMust evolutionary science, from time to time, simply fake evidence, commit fraud, perpetrate hoaxes — lie? Why is that? Why stage so-called evidence when none exists? Why fill in the blanks of all of the unknowns with pure speculation? Why lie? Why perpetrate fraud? Why commit hoaxes?
Pin ItThis is the inaugural post of a new Creation series. The next series of posts will review some of the more blatant frauds committed by Darwinists in the name of their religion, that being secular humanism.