Tag: Adam

Snakebook and other Human Distancers

In our fallen world, my duties are pretty clear as the male half of the Biblical ONE that is our holy state of matrimony. I am to follow the “three P’s” principle to act as high Priest of my home, Provide for my home, and Protect my home and loved ones. That is what the Bible requires of husbands and fathers.

If you read the third Chapter of Genesis, you will discover the very often overlooked fact that Adam was standing right next to his wife the entire time the serpent tempted her…

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Seeds of Faith: Lies Women Believe About Marriage

I thought chapter 6 of Nancy Leigh DeMoss’ Lies Women Believe: And the Truth that Sets them Free, just kind of brushed on the issues about marriage and the lies that can trap and hurt women. It seemed to just skim the surface. I don’t know if the author was trying to stay non-controversial or if she just didn’t want to get bogged down in details that could each one make up their own book.

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Eostre & the Chocolate Bunny

The Easter holiday is barely removed from its pagan background. Easter even gets its name from the pagan goddess of spring, Eostre. The myth has it that she rescued a bird whose wings were frozen from the winter wind by turning it into a rabbit. Because the rabbit had once been a bird, it could lay eggs. And there you have the modern Easter Bunny and Easter eggs.


The Fine Art of Discipline

Whenever there is societal butting of heads over anything to do with what is the best decision to make, I always turn to the best source for any answer: God’s Word. The Bible is full of passages for parents concerning parenting and discipling children.

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