Candy Cane Wreath
This was SO EASY to make. All you need is 20 candy canes, some ribbon, some form of support, a decoration for the center, and a hot glue gun.
Start off by gluing two candy canes into a heart, with a small dab of glue on the two spots where the two canes meet.
Make 10 hearts like that.
Next, glue the hearts together, just with small dabs of glue, to form a circle.
When I made this, I realized that it was flimsy and needed some support. Since it was 6AM on the morning I had to take them as teacher’s gifts, I used what I had on hand — the cardboard backing of the ribbon spool.
Once I glued the backing on, I flipped the wreath over and, just for decoration, tied ribbon around where each candy cane met back-to-back.
I glued a poinsettia flower into the center of the wreath to hide the fact that I’d used the cardboard of a spool of ribbon to support it.
Finally, I tied a larger ribbon around the top to use to hang it.
Very easy, very fun, and the perfect Christmas gift.
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