Month: June 2013

Garden Update Video Blog Week 8

You get to see my weedy garden in this garden update. I have spent hours in the garden since returning from vacation. This is what it looked like when we got home:
So, while it may seem like I need to weed, be impressed with what I accomplished (HA!).


They Can Take a Taxi!

While waiting for Man of Steel to start in the theater this weekend, this commercial played:

This commercial is agonizing on so many levels:

Coke Zero is chemically laden crap. I don’t think anyone who reads my blog on any regular basis would be surprised that I feel that way. It really isn’t the point of this post.
Here is yet another “useless, irresponsible” adult male promoted in advertising. The destruction of the American male by media has been a constant onslaught for a few decades now. The less I am exposed to media, the more obvious and infuriating the pattern is.
Video games are proving to actually be damaging to the brain and addictive. Here is a commercial not only NOT denying it, but proving it.

I don’t ever see commercials. Honestly, this one makes me glad that I don’t. I’m absolutely flabbergasted how anyone could think this commercial is promoting something good.


Vacation Days 3 & 4

We woke up early in our vacation condo on Saturday morning and explored our 2-room condo that would be our home for the next week, and then unpacked.


Vacation: Days 1 & 2

This was our first family vacation that didn’t directly have to do with the military or visiting family that we’ve ever taken. We stayed in a condo on the north shore of Lake Pontchartrain in Louisiana. We live in central Kentucky, so we faced about an 11-hour drive to get there and we decided to break it into a 2-day trip. We packed a SERIOUS LOT of vacation into the days we were gone.


A Melody for James is Available Now!

Melody and James lead separate lives of discord until an unexpected meeting brings them to a sinister realization. Unbeknownst to them, dark forces have directed their lives from the shadows, orchestrating movements that keep them in disharmony. Fire, loss, and bloodshed can’t shake their faith in God to see them through as they face a percussive climax that will leave lives forever changed.

A Melody for James officially publishes today! (And, since it published yesterday at Amazon, it is currently ranked #28 in Christian Suspense on Amazon!)

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Crazy Busy Week Prior to Vacation

The day we return is the publication date for A Melody for James (stay tuned for purchase links!), and the garden will need some serious care after a week’s absence. Everything will get crazy busy again. For today, though, while I’m insanely trying to prepare my house for our house sitter, catch up on laundry so that I can pack, and seriously weed my garden so that nothing dies in our absence, I’m just imagining how wonderful it will be to kick back at the pool in our resort or sip coffee at Cafe Dumond.

The next post you get from me will be the announcement of the book sale!

Have a WONDERFUL week — and don’t forget to plan to spoil your husbands and dads for Father’s Day!


Video Garden Update: Week 5

I decided to do something a little different this morning and filmed my garden update rather than take a dozen different pictures. Enjoy!

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