Crazy & Obsessed
Late last week, I was contacted by the TLC network. They were casting for a show and were interested in talking to us about our Levitical Diet.
Gregg and I talked about it and agreed to consider their offer. Monday morning, we had a conference call with a producer from the network. After talking to the producer and reviewing the video that they sent us, we have decided that we will not be pursuing it any further.
While we moderately liked the idea of being able to discuss our diet to such a broad audience and explain the health reasons for it, quite frankly, we don’t trust the show.
Since we don’t watch television and aren’t plugged into any kind of network commercials, we had to research to even see what kind of show was contacting us.
The show is being cast through “My Crazy Obsession”, but according to the producer, next season they will be focused on diets rather than collections. I don’t know if the show will still be called “My Crazy Obsession” or something else, but the fact is that the focus of the current show is to highlight weird, strange, and CRAZY people. People who do things like collect sex dolls (no kidding) or are 300-pound men who pretend to be babies to the extent of wearing a diaper and being changed by his roommate (again, no kidding).
We find it odd that our decision to avoid eating meats labeled “unclean” by the best selling book in the world and to prepare food much like our great-grandmothers prepared it on a daily basis (scratch from whole foods) would qualify in a “crazy obsessed” show. As such, we don’t trust the angle in which it would be presented.
The producer insisted that they would not denigrate us and that the tone of the show would be what we want it to be. But, a show that is sold with such sensationalism would be hard pressed to make a Levitical diet interesting without some sensational angle.
So, despite the offer for our very own 15 minutes of fame, we have politely declined. That decision feels really good.
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you are right! plus your diet shouldn’t be crazy or unusual….
I agree with you. I watch TV and TLC quite a bit, however, I haven’t watched that show. Just because it is different doesn’t mean it is crazy or obsessive. Would they consider Vegan crazy or obsessive? Would they consider Jenny Craig or Weight Watchers crazy or obesessive?
I agree that you made the best decision. I normally don’t watch TV but watched a few episodes of an obsession show with someone else (I think the program’s name was different so maybe it was on a different network). I thought the way the show was focused was distasteful and exploitive. I felt like the people were subtly denigrated, partly just by being on that show in company with people with some particularly extreme interests. Also I expect that a lot more was filmed than was included in the TV show, and I suspect the selection of the interviews included in the show and the questions asked of the people were aimed to make them look strange. I wouldn’t trust them either.
That was EXACTLY what we figured would happen — subtle denigration and hours and hours of filming that would result in a 10-minute compilation of a specific angle.
I have a friend (she will remain anonymous) from the couponing community. TLC selected her to do ‘Extreme Couponing’ and they made her look like a fool in the episode. Yes, she did say all those comments that made her look crazy, but they took them out of context and choose to only air the crazy, funny comments. And the filming about donating to her church and filming a trip to the local food bank… yeah,TLC conveniently left that out of the episode. The spin they took was on the “craziness” of couponing and not all the money saving or donating aspect. It is funny how coupon people are called horders, yet LDS/Mormons who stockpile a year’s worth of food are Godly and viewed as smart. Anyways, TLC filmed her at the store for nearly 10 hrs, so by the time the got to check-out. She was told they would be filming in the store for “a few hours.” I think you made the right choice. Now granted some families such as The Duggars have made a very successful career with TLC accepting an offer. However, a show about “crazy and obsessed” would not be something one would want to take part in. Hats off to you!
I had heard they were looking and I wondered if they might contact you….I’m glad you said no. I don’t trust them either. You’re not crazy – you’re faithful.
Praise God for giving you both spiritual insight (1 Cor 2:10-15) and a humble, unself-centered mind. You made the right decision. What’s so weird about eating clean meats? I and my family and church do not eat unclean meats either. For that matter I don’t even eat meat anymore, just my spouse and kids do. It’s simply a decision – your decision. Like Daniel you steped away sought God and followed his leading.
Good call. Glad you declined. There are a lot of people out there that just enjoy laughing at people who make the right decisions. God is our guide and he will reward the truth and the righteous. Your decison will be blessed and rewarded. May God bless you and your family. Your site is an inspiration to me since I am just beginning to learn the best foods and such. Thank you.
i just found your site because i wanted to find the levitical diet broken down. reading that article led me to spending hours reading your blog. nevertheless, be blessed for not choosing to go with tlc. they offer no learning opportunities – just pure and simple exploitation and voyeurism for those sorely lacking in – something. you are living life according to god and their is nothing crazy or obsessive about such. how rude they are to even think as such.
i just found your site because i wanted to find the levitical diet broken down. reading that article led me to spending hours reading your blog. nevertheless, be blessed for not choosing to go with tlc. they offer no learning opportunities – just pure and simple exploitation and voyeurism for those sorely lacking in – something. you are living life according to god and their is nothing crazy or obsessive about such. how rude they are to even think as such.