And the Winner Is…
#22 – Lisa Voveris
You have won a $100 donation to your ministry Feeding the Homeless for Jesus. We will showcase your ministry on Monday, March 7th.
Congratulations and thank you so much for giving us this opportunity to get to know about your mission.
I’m so grateful for your visit, today.
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Omg! I am in tears !!!! Wow!!!! I am so excited! I just brought them food for the weekend and wasnt sure how many more times I could feed them w/out donations! Sweet Jesus I love answered prayers!!! This is the best thing in the world for my mission right now! Thank you so much! My Pc is broken and I am doing all my online stuff wth a Wii so if you can message me in my inbox on what to do I would love it! :o) Thank you !!!!!