Treasures on Earth

My husband’s great-grandfather was a mighty man of God.  He was a preacher who traveled and preached all over Kentucky and touched more lives than anyone could record.  Most people over the age of 40 within our denomination locally know him, were baptized by him, were married by him –  John R. Chambers was loved and gave much love in return.  It doesn’t stop with Kentucky, either.  When the kids and I were in Panama City, Florida, for Spring Break last year, we went to a church for Easter service.  Papaw Chambers had married the preacher and his wife many years before.

My husband’s great-aunt, Papaw Chambers’ daughter, gave us his research books.  She brought them by Sunday after church.

I cannot tell you what a treasure these books are to us.  How much Gregg will love them and care for them.

They are full of Papaw Chambers’ personal notes.  FULL of them.

They contain copies of correspondence he sent out and the original pieces of correspondence that he received.  Everything from the receipt for tobacco farming to a letter accompanying a donation to Glen Eden, the youth camp that John Chambers started and the legacy that he left.  I found sermon outlines and gas bills.

They contain bulletins and newsletters from other churches.  Remember that church in Panama City where we visited that I told you about?

I have no idea how old these books are.  The index page is not dated and I haven’t researched them.  An accompanying book from a different publisher with similar page age and binding is dated 1942.  I can only assume these are at least that old.

They are a treasure and will be treated with total love.  I pray that Gregg’s ministry is blessed in abundance by them.  I pray that we can hand them down to our children for their ministries.


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