The Power of a Praying Wife: Chapter 20 – His Attitude

Enter into His gates with thanksgiving, and into His courts with praise.  Be thankful to Him, and bless His name. ~Psalm 100:4

My husband Gregg is an incredibly upbeat man.  He’ll say he’s very moody; however, that moodiness he feels typically doesn’t manifest until it comes out in his writing and his poetry.  His outward attitude is one of confidence and joy.  He sings while he works and does chores around the house, he teases and jokes, he laughs, he has fun.  He is encouraging and exciting, ready to go on an adventure in a spontaneous moment.  Even when I feel myself reacting negatively to something, he’ll crack a joke about it or lighten the mood enough that I’m able to work through the negativity.

I started to say that the husband’s attitude sets the tone for the household, but I think it could go either way.  Either adult can set the tone for the entire household, and I think our attitudes are a responsibility that we should learn to control. In Philippians 4:7, God has promised us the peace that passes understanding to guard our hearts and minds.  When we wholly embrace that, even a tendency toward moodiness or moroseness can be battled back.  But we have to want to accept it.

Read chapter 20 of The Power of a Praying Wife and consider the following discussion questions.  They are also posted on the forum at Hallee’s Daily Brew here, but the comments are open on this post if you prefer to discuss it here.  As you consider this questions about your husband, consider the questions about yourself as well.

1.  Does your husband typically have a bad attitude or is he usually even tempered?

2.  Do the events of the day affect your husband’s attitude or is he able to rise above them and cast his cares on the Lord with ease?

3.  Do you react to negativity in your husband?  How so?  Do you immediately go to the Lord in prayer about it?  How could you respond more positively?

4.  Has your husband’s attitude affected you as a person?  How so?  Have negative attitudes been brought out in your as a result of his reactions?

5.  1 Corinthians 13:7 says, “And though I have the gift of prophecy, and understand all mysteries and all knowledge, and though I have all faith, so that I could remove mountains, but have not love, I am nothing.”  Does your husband have full knowledge of the love of God?  Do you feel he has truly experienced God’s love in his life?  Have you?

6.  Pray the prayer out loud on pages 150-151 in The Power of a Praying Wife. Include specifics about your husband’s attitude.


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