Painful Little Pods

Saturday, the weather was moderate (50 degrees F) so when we took Kaylee to the park where she’ll have her home softball games so that she could work with her team to clean the ball field, the boys and I stayed and played.

There was this tree right by the field that had balls hanging off of it – it looked like Christmas ornaments.  This is the same kind of tree – but the picture was taken in a different location.

Jeb loves anything even remotely resembling a ball, so he asked if he could reach one.  I lifted him up and he grabbed one of those balls and pulled.

Bad mistake. Bad bad bad.

The thing burst open and little seed pods that looked like dandelion seeds went everywhere.  I was looking up, so they covered my face, hair, and went down the front of my shirt.  They went into my mouth and nose.  And immediately, I felt a sharp pain in my sinuses.  I started sneezing and my head started pounding.

Typing this, 10 hours later, my nose is still running and is raw and red from how many times I’ve had to wipe it all day.  My blood pressure is high (143/94).  My head still hurts.  My sinuses were so swollen I had to take off my glasses.

I’m so glad it didn’t seem to do the same thing to Johnathan.  That would have been terrible.

I’ve never really experienced an allergic reaction to nature before.  It certainly wasn’t any fun.


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