Out with the Old…

I have been waiting for this day for weeks!  As soon as the month of June hit, I started getting excited.

I love seasons.  I love the ‘traditional’ seasons – leaves and apples in fall, snow in winter, April showers bring May flowers, summer BBQ’s.  I don’t know if it’s from living in Florida for most of my adult life and being denied seasons or if it’s just a quirk of mine, but I love them.  Now that I live in a state that gives me four beautiful, “traditional” seasons, I look forward to each one with equal enthusiasm.

The calendar I have hanging on my refrigerator is an academic year calendar, which means that it runs from July through June.  The only reason for this is because we closed on and moved into our house on July 2nd.  By June, I’m antsy to start putting together a new one.

When I went to the store to find a calendar for that big empty space on my refrigerator, I thought that all of the yearly calendars were boring.  I wanted something that gave a nod to the seasons at least, if not each month, but I couldn’t find anything.  I did, however, find a wealth of seasonal, holiday, and monthly materials in the scrapbooking section of the craft store.   They were perfect to dress up the boring annual calendar that I found.

I hold off buying a new one, because I don’t want to leave it down for little fingers to paws to destroy it.  As such, I always wait, even though I’ve been collecting stickers and ideas all year long.  On June 30th, I went to Staples and got a new one – a nice clean, big blank slate.  I went to the Wal-Mart next door and picked out some new holiday stickers to add to my growing collection, then went home and laid it out on the dining room table.

A friend came over and sat and chatted with me while I worked.  I said, “I know this is all very silly.”

She said, “No, it’s all very YOU.  And that makes it wonderful, not silly.”

I marked birthdays and holidays with the stickers, then pulled up the school’s calendar for the coming year and all of the appointment cards I’ve been holding on to and added them.  It took 2 days of working in between the garden, housework, and the soup kitchen, but it’s all put together now.

A fresh, clean slate, ready to mess up with our life this year.

It’s very exciting!


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