Month: December 2009

Letting Go

I wish I had the words to explain to you the amazing creature that is my daughter. She is 12, going on 39. She has experienced so much, has traveled so extensively, has lived more life than most people with senior discounts. She’s suffered extreme hurt and knows God’s perfect love.


Tip: Adjustable Measuring Cup

I have a very dear friend named Nicki. One weekend, while we were visiting them, she made pancakes. She pulled out an adjustable measuring cup and measured everything with it – wet and dry ingredients. I was dully impressed. Then I forgot all about it. A year or two later, I was at a kitchen products party and saw one and promptly purchased it, trying to figure out just how I planned to explain to my husband why I spent $10 on a measuring cup when I had a drawer full of plastic ones, stainless steel ones, and glass liquid ones in all different shapes and sizes.


Menu Monday 28 Dec 09

Here’s the menu for my family for the week of December 28th. As far as desserts go, my sister bought me a crème brûlée torch for Christmas, with the orders that I’m to make her crème brûlée while I’m here at my parents’ house. We are also traveling at the beginning and end of this week. If we are able to make a dessert at home, it will be star shaped cookies to celebrate New Year’s Day.

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Creation: All Things New Again

Because of the Hubble Constant, their math doesn’t even work out anymore. There are stars that are moving far too fast; stars that are far too distant, stars that are far too bright; etc., ad nauseam. Informed scientists know this. Many have abandoned the accepted theories and are in dedicated pursuit of the truth. Many others refuse to do so because of the metaphysical implications alternative theories present. The latter group has the loudest voice.

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Engaging Eggnog Cookies

Do you have some leftover eggnog, too? Not a problem. A friend of a friend shared an Eggnog Cookie recipe that is quick and easy and a perfect “after Christmas” treat. They taste just great topped with nutmeg. They taste even better topped with eggnog icing. They taste the very best topped with both!

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Engaging Eggnog Icing

Do you have some leftover eggnog, too? Not a problem. A friend of a friend shared an Eggnog Cookie recipe that is quick and easy and a perfect “after Christmas” treat. They taste just great topped with nutmeg. They taste even better topped with eggnog icing. They taste the very best topped with both!

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Rich Rum Flavored Icing

Do you have some leftover eggnog, too? Not a problem. A friend of a friend shared an Eggnog Cookie recipe that is quick and easy and a perfect “after Christmas” treat. They taste just great topped with nutmeg or eggnog icing but you may want to try them with this Rum Icing.

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