Tag: soup kitchen
When almost no one was around, he asked me if he could speak to me. With the way he’d eaten, I thought he was going to ask for some food to take home, and I was already doing a mental inventory of what I could give him.
Instead, he asked me if I could read a passage from the Bible for him. He looked around but saw no Bibles sitting out and said, “That is, if you can find one.”
Seeds of Faith Team MemberWednesday morning, I was feeling really sorry for myself. Wednesday is my day to volunteer and cook at the soup kitchen, which normally is so fulfilling to me, but that day was the day before Gregg’s birthday and I was dwelling on it. That afternoon, a young wife and mother came into the dining room to eat.
I had my day and my week planned down to the minute. My home ran like a well oiled machine. Things would interrupt that smooth operation — an out of town trip, the early stages of garden growing when you have to be outside tending the garden constantly, a night with no sleep and a cranky child — but for the most part, it was all good. For three years I excelled at the housekeeping part of homemaking.
I have a new venture in my life. One recent morning in Sunday School, our teacher announced that our class would be one of four groups who would be volunteering with a local church’s soup kitchen. That immediately got my attention. I had no idea my little town in central Kentucky had a soup kitchen.