There are numerous facts that tend to point to the conclusion that our world is quite young. This post will focus on some of the evidences from beneath the surface.
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This post will conclude my look at the Darwinian take on the Birth of Stars by listing further scientific problems with the theory and concluding with the number one problem that is insurmountable for Darwinist believers.
Pin ItIn my first few posts explaining some of the problems with Stellar Evolution, I detailed the logical problems with the theory and several scientific problems. One of the major conclusions I reached in my personal journey of discovery was that each and every single logical and scientific problem with the collective theories of Darwinian evolution amount to single limiting factors.
Any single limiting factor is enough to refute the entire theory.
Pin ItI will now disregard facts and reason once again in order to ASSUME that, contrary to logic and every known physical law:
1. the particles DID magically manage to move toward one another and
2. the particles COULD slow down and change directions.