About Us

This Blog has a mission statement and it is: To provide encouragement and support for women who are homemakers or who are seeking and desiring to expand and strengthen their roles as homemakers in their families; to encourage women in their spiritual journeys so that they can have a positive effect on their husbands and their families; to encourage women who are taking a traditional and Biblical role in their home in the face of this world; to provide a source of education and enlightenment; to provide cooking and kitchen tips; to share the joy in raising children; to share the joy and passion in loving your husband; to glorify and magnify  God the Father, Jesus the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

The people behind that mission are …

Gregg is Hallee’s brilliant, amazing, wonderful husband. He is also her favorite person in the world. He is the spiritual head of the family and deeply devoted to God. Over the last eight years, he has delved in and studied and learned and ultimately become an expert in scientific Creationism. Gregg enjoys taking over this blog on most Sundays and posting fascinating tidbits about scientific Creationism. He is extremely analytical, and as such tackles problems layer by layer until there is simply no problem or question left. He is a computer consultant by day, with a string of letters like MCSA, MCSE, MCTS, MCDBA, ITIL, CISSP, and dozens more, following his name. He is also a veteran of the Gulf War, a veteran of the War on Terror, and still serves in the National Guard.

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Hallee is a follower of a Christ and a child of God. She loves and respects her husband passionately, and strives to make his home a beacon of comfort and love in this violent world. She has three amazing children, whom you will read about below.Once a professional woman in suits and heels six days a week, her life now is a bit unconventional. She’s an advocate for the Titus 2 model of a womanhood. Research has taught her how horribly unhealthy the food sitting on grocery shelves is for her family, and Hallee has made it a personal commitment to make as much as she possibly can from scratch, using wholesome and whole real food ingredients. She grinds flour, bakes bread, makes cookies and cakes, makes crackers, salad dressings…if it can be made, she finds a way to make it, keeping the constraints of their family’s devotion to following a Levitcal diet.

Hallee loves to serve others, and volunteers once a week at a fundraising activity that supports the Glen Eden Youth Center in Central Kentucky. Hallee also writes Christian romances and has three fiction books and one cookbook out.  You can read more about her writing here.

And she’s a blogger. Which is why we’re all together here.

Gregg & Hallee in Kuwait

Gregg and Hallee are one. Their marriage has been through the fire, and has come out refined and stronger than ever. Together they read books on marriage, relationships, and love. They watch seminars, do workbooks, and read the Bible. They’ve learned how men tick, how women think, and why some marriages can survive the worst of nightmares. They are here together only through the intervention of the Holy Spirit, and they enjoy mentoring younger couples with the wisdom that they’ve gleaned over their years of research. They are raising their children to be warriors for Christ, children of God, and dedicated workers for His kingdom. They will encourage their children in work and in ministry that glorifies God, and to discover and use the gifts God has given them. They pray every night that their children find spouses with the same love and commitment.

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Kaylee is the quintessential teen girl. She loves clothes, shoes, texting, and designer purses. Checking her internet search history, you’ll find specifications on the latest hot new cell phone as well as the newest styles coming from Coach, LTD. She is an avid volleyball player, high school junior with straight A’s, and wants to be an attorney. She is brilliant, wise beyond her years, and has such a heart for people that her mama worries that it will be broken time and time again with the life that is out there.

She also loves Jesus Christ with all of her heart. She desires to be pleasing to Him, and accepts the limitations that her family places on media and entertainment. She is a good friend, an alpha personality who takes charge of her various cliques, and who loves to eat. Which makes her mama happy, because her mama loves to cook.

scott swamp tour

Scott is an extremely precoscious 7-year-old. He questions everything, likes to take things apart, zones into his own world, and plays with an imagination that astounds his parents. He is very comfortable in his own skin, knows he is loved and runs with it, and plays and has fun in his own way. He is all boy, from throwing dirt clods to driving a toy bulldozer through his mama’s houseplants. He is also the first one in the kitchen to help cook, and will stop whatever he’s doing and come running to the rescue whenever he hears the big Kitchenaid mixer fire up.

His trusty sidekick and security blanket, Lightning McQueen is never far from his side. His favorite super hero is Veggie Tales’ Larry Boy, and his favorite color is green. Since Larry Boy is a cucumber, likely that is the source for the color fave.

jeb making pasta

Johnathan or “Jeb” is a gentle soul whose feelings get hurt very quickly. He is very loving, but also very needy. A friend said if she could bottle Jeb’s smile and sell it, the world would be a better place. It is already a better place, simply by his existence.

As an infant, Johnathan could only be soothed by Hallee or Gregg, and needed soothing quite often. He hero worships his older brother, and follows Scott wherever he goes, saying the same thing, doing the same thing. His big brother is awesome, too, and only encourages – never condemns, never puts down, and hasn’t yet realized that his powers could be used for evil instead of good.

He loves airplanes and anything to do with balls — football, basketball, baseball, soccer ball — whatever. He’s left handed, so his daddy teases him about building his baseball pitching muscles. His favorite super hero is Superman, and he runs through the house with his Superman action figure humming the theme song from the original cartoons.

That’s our family.

We seek the Lord God’s will in our lives in all things.

We pray that we walk on paths of righteousness.

We sincerely desire to bless you in your faith walk.

God Bless!

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