Tag: Stephen Jay Gould

Creation: The Modern View Stepping Backward II

I suppose it would be easier for my detractors if I were to passively consent to endlessly repeat myself, isolating my side of the main argument only to very finite details of the Darwinist religion here-and-there, those minuscule items of data with which my opponents have more than a passing familiarity. Then, those tiny little shreds of insignificant points could be held up as straw men amidst the multitude of monolithic refutations I can present, have presented, and will continue to present. Those little nothing straw men could then be ceremonially burned in effigy for the satisfaction of the lemmings, and the spiritually immature Darwinist detractor could then leave the field feeling victorious and even, dare I say, a bit self-righteous.

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Creation: Abiogenesis Part II

Abiogenesis is the notion that if you assemble all of the base components you need in order for life to exist under the ideal conditions, that life will simply happen. The context of this so called theory is that all of the base components needed in order for life to exist, along with all of the ideal conditions, had to have come together randomly and exclusively by way of undirected processes.

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Creation: All Things New Again

Because of the Hubble Constant, their math doesn’t even work out anymore. There are stars that are moving far too fast; stars that are far too distant, stars that are far too bright; etc., ad nauseam. Informed scientists know this. Many have abandoned the accepted theories and are in dedicated pursuit of the truth. Many others refuse to do so because of the metaphysical implications alternative theories present. The latter group has the loudest voice.

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Creation: Darwinian Engines of Evolution

Darwinists scrambled for “engines” that would “drive” Darwinian evolution. This is admittedly an attempt to skew the odds to make their idiotic theory somewhat plausible by compensating for finite time and matter in the universe.

Even supposing the universe is 15 billion years old, that is a finite amount of seconds in which an infinite amount of changes must occur for Darwinism to be true. Even supposing the earth is 4 billion or so years old, a single cell has to assemble itself from dirt and rocks and such by an undirected, unguided, random process –and for that simple single cell to appear, a nearly infinite number of random occurrences must take place in order, without error. The best estimates put it at a greater than 1 in 10 to the 100,000,000,000th power chance.

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