In today’s post, I will examine the first mythical ORIGINAL ancestor in and discuss “Prebiotic Molecular Evolution” then move on to “Chemical Evolution” and “Stellar Evolution” and finally step all the way back to the first nanosecond in the life of the entire universe and describe “Cosmic Evolution” in some detail.
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I suppose it would be easier for my detractors if I were to passively consent to endlessly repeat myself, isolating my side of the main argument only to very finite details of the Darwinist religion here-and-there, those minuscule items of data with which my opponents have more than a passing familiarity. Then, those tiny little shreds of insignificant points could be held up as straw men amidst the multitude of monolithic refutations I can present, have presented, and will continue to present. Those little nothing straw men could then be ceremonially burned in effigy for the satisfaction of the lemmings, and the spiritually immature Darwinist detractor could then leave the field feeling victorious and even, dare I say, a bit self-righteous.
Pin ItIn today’s post, I will examine the modern Darwinist beliefs and begin to step all the way back to the first second in the life of the entire universe.
Pin ItThere is truth in the universe. A principled person strives to live by truth. An intellectually honest person never stops investigating, never stops questioning, and never stops seeking the truth.
Pin ItThat, in a nutshell, is a summary of the motivation behind what forms proposed agenda for the first part of the new year. I state this here in black and white just in case anyone had any remaining doubts about my motivation or my personal agenda.
Pin ItA recent comment made it clear to me that I had not covered my reasons for calling Darwinism a religion in enough detail. I will recap those reasons here, for the record, and then continue the series of “Pious Frauds” committed by the Darwinian faithful.
Pin ItMatter, like air, can get hot. An absense of matter cannot get hot. Heat is energy. Energy is simply transformed matter. This is why we have the first law of thermodynamics. But nothingness is an absence of matter and and absence of energy. In point of fact, nothing is an absense of everything. Nothing can become neither dense nor hot. Things like air get hot, because air is matter, not an absence of it, and some of the matter in air can be transformed into energy which nothing cannot do since it is nothing.
Pin ItHow I went from a die-hard member of the church of Darwin to becoming a believer in actual science. Oh, and my understanding of actual science shored up my beliefs in the Truth of Creation as explained in the book of Genesis as well.
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