Tag: Social Darwinism

Creation: The Modern View Stepping Backward II

I suppose it would be easier for my detractors if I were to passively consent to endlessly repeat myself, isolating my side of the main argument only to very finite details of the Darwinist religion here-and-there, those minuscule items of data with which my opponents have more than a passing familiarity. Then, those tiny little shreds of insignificant points could be held up as straw men amidst the multitude of monolithic refutations I can present, have presented, and will continue to present. Those little nothing straw men could then be ceremonially burned in effigy for the satisfaction of the lemmings, and the spiritually immature Darwinist detractor could then leave the field feeling victorious and even, dare I say, a bit self-righteous.

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Creation: Darwinian Evolutionary Frauds Pt. XVII

FACT 1: Countless very specific and accurate scientific facts do not reflect Darwinian interpretations.
FACT 2: Countless very specific and accurate points of logic do not reflect Darwinian interpretations.
FACT 3: Many Darwinian interpretations do not agree with many other Darwinian interpretations and are often contradictory or in conflict.
FACT 4: Darwinists resort to threats, ridicule, legal maneuverings, fraud, and excommunication to counter arguments against Darwinism.
CONCLUSION: Darwinists practice censorship to avoid debate that would reveal their theories to be scientifically baseless and logically fallacious.

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