Tag: pdd nos

Today’s Meltdown Brought to You By…

All week long, I’ve prepared Scott for the inevitable fact that he will wear a shirt and tie to school today. All week long he’s informed me that he will NOT wear a shirt and tie to school today.

This morning, I allowed 15 extra minutes and got out the clothes from which I would allow him to choose and he melted down. Clothes went everywhere. Tears fell. Beds were kicked. Pillows thrown. Choices given.


The “A” Word

Yesterday, on my main Facebook and on my Hallee the Homemaker Facebook, I posted this:

Ode to the mother of the autistic child who’s had every schedule in his life obliterated by the Christmas holiday and a continuous succession of snow days…


30 Days of Thankfulness Day 4

At 7, Scott is our middle child. He is also our miracle.

Born at 30 weeks, weighing in at 3 lbs. 5 oz., Scott is a testimony of God’s amazing grace, and the power of prayer. There should be a dozen things wrong with him, from poor eyesight to breathing issues. As it is, he is perfectly and wonderfully healthy as any 7-year-old boy out there.


End of the Year Update

I was really upset about this email, because Scott turns 7 in July. We purposefully red-shirted him and started him in Kindergarten when was already 6. What I read when I read this was that they were considering retention. I said something to a friend who has a middle schooler with Aspergers, and she said, “Call and ARC meeting.”

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