Tag: Housekeeping

Fireplace Glow

Then I saw this post about how to make a faux fireplace by Ann Marie at Household6Diva.

I am not a great decorating ideas person. I think you’ve seen enough of my house in pictures to realize that it just simply isn’t my area. But, I’m great at copying. So, I saw this post and it got me thinking. How would candles look in the fireplace?


Dear Hallee: “Help!”

I’m embarrassed to say how long ago I received the following letter – several weeks at least. I read it, and started mulling over it and just never got back to it. It took me a while to decide how to respond, and then it took me a while to decide to respond here. The subject line in the email was “Help!”


Finally Worked it All Out

I’m a busy person. I tend to have several irons in the fire simultaneously. I’m great at multitasking and quite capable of juggling. However, I realize that if I want to homeschool the boys, I need to be able to stop everything around me, end the outside distractions, and just teach. This is my trial year. Scott just turned 5 and we are “Redshirting” him – so we’re going to work with a 4K program. If I can do it full time this year, then we know we’ll be able to continue doing it. If not, then we need look at our other options.


Easy Homemade Bathroom Cleaner

I found a really complicated recipe – three different kinds of essential oils, a soap, some household products. Seemed like a science experiment. The next place I looked, I saw one that had two simple ingredients. I thought I’d try that one first, for the ease of the simplicity. I figured if I didn’t like it, I could start getting more complicated.


Something About Me Most People Don’t Know

One thing about my personality that most people can pick up on within a short amount of time in meeting me is that I’m a very capable person. If I see a task, I figure out a way to accomplish it. I’m good at logic, I’m good at critical thinking, I’m good at math, and I have a tendency to take charge and lead. All of those things combine into one neat little capable package.


Storing Sheets

In the comments section on my Vlog of How to Fold a Fitted Sheet, one of the commenters talked about folding the pillow cases in with the fitted sheet. This got me thinking about an easy way to store sheet sets.


I Don’t Do Chaos Well

When things around me are out of order, I feel out of order and lacking in control. Everything starts to slip. I can’t relax, I don’t feel like I’m capable of accomplishing even minor tasks, and I have way less patience than normal.


Spring Cleaning: A Room at a Time

If you look at your entire house, the thought of spring cleaning can be a little daunting. I mean, the thought of keeping it clean on a daily or weekly basis can be daunting, much less the extra work involved in a seasonal cleaning.

I find that the best way to do it is to take a room at a time. I may or may not do it all in one day or one weekend, but if I have a plan of action for each room, and I actually start working, then it will get done. Once one room is fully spring cleaned, I can’t wait to get to the next room and the next until I know my house is as clean and fresh as it can be.

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