Tag: Health

Menu Monday 04 OCT 10 – Daniel Fast Week 2

This is week 2 of my 21-Day Daniel Fast. My blog post about that can be found here, but basically, it’s vegan extreme – and I’m throwing in my own personal restriction to unleavened bread only. I had a weak day at day 4. I didn’t break the fast, but I was tempted for some reason, even dreamt of food that night. At this point, I’m in a steady go, not tempted to cheat, not wishing I hadn’t started the fast in the first place (heh).

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Eat Your Colors

You often hear that people eat with their eyes first. When a plate is beautiful, colorful, the appeal of the food speaks to our brain. When it’s dull, brown, boring, the lack of appeal does the same.

What you may not know, and what our brain by God’s perfect design is telling us, is that those colors are good for you. That each color has a purpose, provides specific vitamins and nutrients, and that a diet rich in the rainbow is so good for your overall health.


The Power of a Praying Wife: Chapter 11 – His Health

During an airborne operation, my husband, Gregg, discovered that he was allergic to fire ants. He parachuted out of a plane and landed on a fire ant bed. He was bitten several times, resulting in his body producing massive amounts of histamines that started to send him into anaphylaxis. After taking a dose of Benadryl, we both still thought maybe he should go to the emergency room, just in case.

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3 Chores You Should Do Every Morning

I accomplish these tasks before I even pour my first cup of coffee in the morning. These three chores will take less than 10 minutes out of your entire morning, but they will make a world of difference in how your home feels, and will help set the tone for the entire day.

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Our family’s walk is this Saturday

Thanks to a lot of prayer, and a lot of competent and caring nurses and doctors, and an awful lot of research into birth defects, premature births, and still-births funded by the March of Dimes, all of our children have the opportunity to live normal, healthy lives.

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