Tag: Gastronomy

Menu Monday 30 APR 12 — Derby Week AND Cinco de Mayo!

Here’s the menu for my family for the week of April 30th. As far as desserts go, since Kentucky Derby AND Cinco de Mayo fall on the same day, this week I’m going to make a Derby Pie and Tres Leches Cake.

While you’re here, be sure to enter to win this amazing bracelet by Cathy’s Creations and an autographed copy of my second novel, Emerald Fire, Book 2 of the Jewel Trilogy. You can enter here. The contest ends at 5PM EST on May 5th — Derby Day/Cinco de Mayo!


Menu Monday APR 02 12 — Passover/Easter Week!

Here’s the menu for my family for the week of April 2nd. This is Spring Break at our house, as well as Passover week and Easter week, so it’s a big “food” week. My husband, Gregg, is home for the first part of the week, and all of my kids are home, so we’re looking forward to an exciting, family-filled week! As far as desserts go, I am going to fill the cookie jar with Doodleroo’s Snickerdoodles We’re having a big pasta making party Tuesday, so I may make a Mascarpone Cheesecake with Vanilla Almond Crust to go with the pasta. We will also be making Resurrection Cookies on Saturday night.

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Menu Monday 23 JAN 2012

Here’s the menu for my family for the week of January 23rd. As far as desserts go, I made a gluten-free chocolate cake this past week and have one from the same site for a vanilla bean cake. I’m going to give that a go since the family love the chocolate one so much. Recipes will be forthcoming!

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Menu Monday 05 DEC 2011

Here’s the menu for my family for the week of December 5th. As far as desserts go, I’m making Stuffed Red Velvet Cookies (but I’m going to experiment with juicing a beet to use for the red dye instead of commercial dye) for a birthday present for a work colleague of Gregg’s, and making Stacy’s Pumpkin Roll for a birthday present for the kids’ horseback riding instructor. I’ll probably be nice and make double to share with the family. :-)

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Menu Monday: 28 FEB 2011 – My Birthday Week!

Here’s the menu for my family for the week of February 28th. As far as desserts go, I have some peaches unthawed that I used to make Scrumptious Cookie Pizza, so I’m going to make a peach cobbler or a Peach Pie with Whole Wheat Crust with those. It is also my birthday week, so I’m going to help the kids make me a birthday cake! I’ll likely splurge and go chocolate chocolate. This weekend we will be celebrating my niece’s 4th birthday, and she has asked me to make her a Wonder Woman cake. Yay me! How exciting! I’ve been working on ideas for a few weeks.

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Crusty Whole Wheat Cheese Bread

Kaylee’s great-grandfather and his sons were bakers in Florida for decades. This bread is a similar recipe to one that they sold retail and to restaurants. The herbs in the dough are very light – just enough to enhance the cheese. It is perfect to serve as a side to almost any kind of soup. It is absolutely light and delicious.

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Menu Monday 31 JAN 2011

Here’s the menu for my family for the week of January 31st. As far as desserts go, we’re going to mail Gregg’s Valentine’s Day box, so I need to make some pink sugar cookies. I’m also going to send him some homemade granola bars, and I think I’m going to make the kids some Decadent Cookies & Cream Cupcakes.

I am personally focusing on a four-month personal fitness challenge, which will include what I eat and when I eat it, and will involve me working out and running daily. I’m not going to do a lot about it here. My husband, Gregg, is starting up a blog about his personal journey with fitness and will leave all of that kind of blogging to him. There will be times that the kids eat something different from me (for instance, I don’t expect them to want tuna in their scrambled eggs). In those instances, I’ll have two meals listed – one for me and one for them.

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