Tag: Facebook Inc

If You’re a Facebook Fan You Want to Read This

Here is a detailed blog article explaining the OVERLY COMPLICATED and RIDICULOUSLY CONFUSING steps on how to make sure your favorite pages (like Hallee the Homemaker) actually show up in your news feed.

And if I have enough fans willing to migrate over to Google+, I may lead the charge.

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You Can’t Do Everything

I’d been tossing around the idea of quitting blogging for about three months now. I really started thinking about it as soon as it dawned on me just how much less free time I have during the day when I no longer conducted my marriage via long distance means. Since I feel very strongly that the Holy Spirit is who led me to starting the blog, I started praying about it.

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April Give-Away: VeggieTales Planters & Garden Kit

I’m sitting on a beach in Florida with my kids, enjoying this beautiful April weather.

I’m taking the week off from my normal blogging schedule. Instead, I have different recipes queued to post daily.

But as I relax and take a break, please take a moment to enter this month’s give-away!

As we enter the beginning of gardening season, I could not help but offer the following as a give-away for the month of April


A Plea for Ideas

That’s toothpaste. Those of you who know me personally 0n Facebook may remember The Great Toothpaste Incident of 2010. I thought letting it dry and then scrubbing it off with a brush would be the best idea.

Bad idea.

It’s been scrubbed, wiped, cleaned, and now steam cleaned. This is over the course of a few weeks.


Clean Sweep

Spring cleaning made a lot of sense for centuries. When homes were heated with wood or coal, the winter heating season brought a build-up of soot and ash on walls, furniture, and fabrics. Spring cleaning marked the end of the heating season, when the entire house was aired and scrubbed clean, when windows could be opened and the winds of spring would blow through the house, refreshing it.


Whole Wheat Vanilla Wafers

I found this recipe on Heavenly Homemaker’s site. The only thing that I do differently is to use vanilla beans instead of vanilla extract. We have grown to love this recipe! Gregg has always loved a snack of vanilla wafers and peanut butter. I love that I found such a healthy recipe. I send a batch or two with every care package to Gregg, and use them when I make Banana Pudding and Mascarpone Cheesecake with Almond Crust.

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Hearty 16-Bean Soup

When we bought the wheat berries for my grain mill, we went ahead and added a 6-gallon bucket of 16-bean soup mix. The shipping was moderate because we already had a good sized shipment coming, and the price per pound was WAY cheaper than an already cheap meal that much cheaper.

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