How could mutations—accidental copying mistakes (DNA ‘letters’ exchanged, deleted or added, genes duplicated, chromosome inversions, etc.)—create the huge volumes of information in the DNA of living things? How could such errors create 3 billion letters of DNA information to change a microbe into a microbiologist?
Pin ItTag: Evolutionary biology
Darwinists must somehow explain the introduction of completely new genetic instructions (information) for feathers, life preserving secretions, highly specific and specifically complex symbiotic relationships, instinctual migration patterns, and other wonders that never existed in more ‘simple’ forms of life.
Pin ItFar from being indisputable, both the validity and the relevance of Java Man remains in serious and continuous dispute and, like Nebraska man, shares a heritage rich in fraud.
Pin ItThis is the inaugural post of a new Creation series. The next series of posts will review some of the more blatant frauds committed by Darwinists in the name of their religion, that being secular humanism.
Pin ItI explained the Darwinist belief in spontaneous generation packaged for textbooks as abiogenesis, and recently re-packaged and re-branded and re-labeled to be called biopoiesis, until a new and improved authoritatively scientific sounding word replaces that one. It means, in a nutshell, that Darwinists preach about life coming from non-life.
Abiogenesis is the notion that if you assemble all of the base components you need in order for life to exist under the ideal conditions, that life will simply happen. The context of this so called theory is that all of the base components needed in order for life to exist, along with all of the ideal conditions, had to have come together randomly and exclusively by way of undirected processes.
Pin ItThe next series of Sunday posts will focus on the Darwinian concept of “Abiogenesis” which is the authoritatively scientific sounding word that Darwinists invented to describe how life sprung into existence from non-living matter.
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