I’d never made Ratatouille before, but my friend Jen (who has posted recipes here for me before) often does and I know her family likes it. As I was preparing the vegan menu last week for our Daniel Fast, Ratatouille came to mind and I decided to give it a go. This was an amazing recipe. The flavors are so fresh. There’s something specific about the layering of the veggies and the order in which you layer them that makes the dish so good. We served it over brown rice, but you could serve it alone, over pasta, over bread – anything, really.
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This is an amazing recipe for making something new and different with all of that fresh produce coming out of the garden. You are getting such a wide variety of fresh vegetables, all kinds of good for your body vitamins and minerals, and is something different from the standard sauteing that I tend to do as a default.
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