Ash Wednesday comes from the practice of placing ashes on the foreheads of the faithful as a sign of repentance. Traditionally, the ashes used are gathered after the Palm Crosses from the previous year’s Palm Sunday are burned and mixed with oil. In the Roman Catholic Church, Ash Wednesday is observed by fasting, abstinence from meat, and repentance. It is a day for contemplating one’s transgressions. Ash Wednesday is also the first day of Lent.
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So, in the spirit of St. Patrick, a Welsh slave who escaped captivity in Ireland only to return to the land of his captivity and preach the Gospel, this month’s giveaway will be what we’re calling a “Miss-Away” – a donation to your favorite mission. It can be your local church, a missionary group, a youth camp, an orphanage, your town’s soup kitchen — you choose and we will donate $100.00 and then showcase your favorite mission on Monday, March 7th
Hundreds and even thousands of years before Jesus the Messiah was born in Bethlehem, God spoke through men like Moses, David, Isaiah, and Micah to tell us about Christ’s birth, life, death, and resurrection. In order for Jesus to be the true Messiah, He had to fulfill every prophecy that was ever spoken and written about him…and He did. Every single one!
Shopping at the mall Thanksgiving weekend, I saw a sight that broke my heart. A little girl of approximately six or seven years old in pigtails and Mary Janes was sitting on the ledge of a store’s window front. She was all innocence and bubblegum bubbles, and was laughing at a baby in a stroller. In the window above her head was a Victoria’s Secret model, looking up with a seductive look at the camera above her, that looked down the exposed cleavage of the barely covered up breasts, her torso bare down to a very skimpy pair of panties.
Pin ItI was very curious about the way Stormie Omartian addressed this chapter. She basically said that if you (the wife) keep your husband a priority, then it will help him keep his priorities straight. Then she spent the chapter explaining how to keep your husband a priority.
Pin ItThere’s a woman I know who is young – maybe 21-years-old or even younger. She has three children by three men and has never been married. She lives with her mother. Her current boyfriend does not live with her, but he does spend the night often. She gambles regularly. And, she is deeply spiritual. You won’t find someone who talks about Jesus Christ more than her.
This chapter thoroughly touches on all areas of media, from magazine articles to lyrics in music, to television shows and commercials, and how these areas in our lives continually and constantly sexually objectify women. You can’t watch a college football game without a scantily clad model touting a beer brand. You can’t watch a crime show on television without a scene in a bar with naked pole dancers kissing each other.