Here’s the menu for my family for the week of February 13th. As far as desserts go, I made 48 strawberry cupcakes that I will be frosting with buttercream frosting Monday morning and sending half of them off to work with Gregg. I’m also going to make Traditional Sugar Cookies to make a cookie bouquet for a Valentine’s Day gift for Scott’s teacher.
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One of the reasons I love Valentine’s Day is because there are so many different from-the-kitchen crafty ideas – easy, inexpensive, fun ways to show someone you love them. You can keep it as simple as some construction paper and paper doilies, or go as extreme as cookie flower bouquets.
Pin ItA friend’s 8-year-old daughter asked for a “Jacob” cake. For Kaylee, I could have gone all abstract with bloodly feathers, apples, and stacks of books. For a bunch of second graders, I had to be a little more inventive. So, here’s what I came up with:
Pin ItThese cupcakes are so much fun for the kids to make for St. Patrick’s Day. They’ll look festive decorating any holiday spread you put together for this festive and green day.
Pin ItThis filling is a perfect accompaniment to any cake you’ll frost with Chocolate Buttercream Frosting.
Pin ItThese treats were made for Kaylee’s 4th grade teachers and school administrators — so, 3 years ago. They weren’t designed to offer any kind of tutorial in how to do them, so I apologize for that, but they give you an idea of how easy it is to put together something personal, something special for those people in your life whom you want to gift with Valentines.
Pin ItI tried to think of ways to make a glass armonica, a furnace, reaching claw, and a flexible urinary catheter. I found that these tutorials although might prove amusing to me and to those who read this would not prove useful to most people performing cupcakery. Somehow a ‘congrats on passing the kidney stone’ cupcake just didn’t feel quite right. I did feel however the kite could easily be used for a spring party or a birthday party and the glasses could be a fun addition to an ‘over the hill’ party. Hope I haven’t embarrassed myself too much and I do hope that I get to show off more complicated cupcakery in the future, but these were fun, educational, and hey darn tasty too!
Pin ItMake a batch of Chocolate Buttercream Frosting. Frost your cupcakes. Make sure your assistant doesn’t get any on his white turtleneck (even though it appears that mine got some on his chin.)
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