Tag: about Hallee

30 Days of Thankfulness Day 21

I LOVE mindless entertainment. It relaxes me and frees my mind from the constant thinking, planning, creating. It gives me a bit of a break, sometimes an hour, sometimes two — the more thrilling, the better. A good movie preview will even give me chills. Date nights revolve around movie releases. It’s silly, but I am completely okay with that.


30 Days of Thankfulness Day 20

I posted a Facebook and Twitter status yesterday and asked, “How can I pray for you today?”

It is amazing the responses I got, publicly and privately. I was blessed all day long with the ability and freedom to pray for my friends and their friends. My asking and people responding blessed others as well, and they were open in sharing how much they appreciated it.


30 Days of Thankfulness Day 14

Out of four children, I’m the second oldest (and at 5’11” the SHORTEST!) My brother, Jim, is 16 months older than me, my brother, Ty, is 3.5 years younger, and my sister, Misty, is 5 years younger.

Our parents encouraged us to follow our dreams, to create, to imagine. We lived in a household where movies were adored and discussed and dissected. A household where books were consumed with equal passion.


30 Days of Thankfulness Day 13

My parents were high school sweethearts. If you’d have asked my mom, when she was 17, what she wanted to be when she grew up, her answer was, “Bill’s wife.” Their high school year books are filled with references to their relationship. “Have a good summer! Good luck with you and Bill!” They’ve been married 45 years, have four children, and seven grandchildren. Somehow, they managed to create a functional, Godly home amongst the cultural revolution of the 70’s and 80’s.


30 Days of Thankfulness Day 7

1 Peter 4:10 tells us that God, through His grace, has given each of us gifts, and wants us to use those gifts to minister to one another. I am so grateful that He has given me the gift of storytelling.

Whether it’s a full length novel of Christian romantic suspense or a blog post about parenting a special needs child, I am able to entertain, engage, or enlighten. God determined that my ministry would be the written word, and for years now, I have I given of it freely, using it to minister to the world.


30 Days of Thankfulness Day 6

It has been ten years this month that I have been smoke free. I started smoking cigarettes when I was a teenager. On my 18th birthday, my mom jokingly bought me a carton of cigarettes and told me I could come out of the closet.

I LOVED smoking. I enjoyed the oral fixation, I enjoyed the feel — nothing was better to me than to sit down with a cup of coffee and have that first cigarette of the day.


30 Days of Thankfulness Day 5

At 5, Jeb is our absolute joy. I don’t say that to take anything away from our other children, but Jeb is just…joy. He is highly emotional and has a happy nature, which means he is almost always just bubbling over with happiness. A friend at church says often that she wishes she could capture his laugh and just have it throughout her day.


30 Days of Thankfulness Day 4

At 7, Scott is our middle child. He is also our miracle.

Born at 30 weeks, weighing in at 3 lbs. 5 oz., Scott is a testimony of God’s amazing grace, and the power of prayer. There should be a dozen things wrong with him, from poor eyesight to breathing issues. As it is, he is perfectly and wonderfully healthy as any 7-year-old boy out there.


My Writing Testimony

I am on Edgy Inspirational Romance today sharing my writing journey and testimony. I’m also giving away paperbacks of my entire Jewel Trilogy plus the bonus Greater Than Rubies. Click here to go to the article From Edgy Romance Author to Edgy Inspirational Romance Author.

Please stop by and say hi, and you can be entered to win the paperback set of four books!


30 Days of Bloggity Bloggness: Day 1

In an effort for everyone to get to know me a little better, I thought I’d do this 30 Days of Bloggity Bloggness that I stole from my friend, Angela.

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