Category: Love
I’ve had so many people ask me how the transition of Gregg being home has gone. This past weekend, while Gregg had drill in Alabama, the kids and I visited my parents in West Virginia. At church Sunday, their pastor asked me how married life was treating me – as if we were newlyweds. It made me laugh. It also made me want to share this.
I’m embarrassed to say how long ago I received the following letter – several weeks at least. I read it, and started mulling over it and just never got back to it. It took me a while to decide how to respond, and then it took me a while to decide to respond here. The subject line in the email was “Help!”
Last Sunday, a couple in our church celebrated their 65th wedding anniversary. I LOVE that there are several couples in our church that have been married for over 50 years. I think that is amazing. Gregg and I were older when we got married, so neither one of us really expect to make it to 65 years, but we’ll take 50 with gladness and joy.
Pin ItOur pastor preached a sermon one time on marriage and said, “I can go to work and get beat up by work colleagues all day long. I can get cut off in traffic, I can get talked over in meetings, I can get disrespected by my associates. And I can come come to my wife who is my biggest cheerleader and who tells me I’m wonderful and can do it, and nothing else will matter. The rest of the world just fades away into unimportant.”