Category: Holy matrimony

The Power of a Praying Wife: The Power


As I read this introduction to the book, I was overwhelmed. For those of you who have not read my testimony, when our youngest son, Johnathan, was an infant, Gregg and I went through a terrible time in our marriage. Gregg was suffering from a terrible depression that was manifesting itself in destructive ways. Since we only saw each other on weekends, I had no idea about how much he was suffering. I was just going through my happy life never believing for a moment that my marriage might be in trouble, that my husband might be in agonizing pain, that satan was wielding his destructive ways and working on both of us.

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Blue & Green

Scott is very particular about what is “his”, and he’s very obsessive about it. When he has a cup, it’s his cup, and he simply cannot swap. He’s always been this way, and rather than add to his stress of the week I would be gone, I just made sure that there was a very definite, “This is Scott’s,” and, “This is Jeb’s,” when I packed there things.

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Feed My Lambs, Tend My Sheep

For more than a week, the same message kept coming to me. It arrived by four very different avenues and has echoed in my prayer life and in my heart. It is the familiar passage in the 21st chapter of the Gospel of John, verses 15 through 18, in which the resurrected Savior asks Simon Peter three times, paraphrasing, “Do you love Me?” Each time, Peter answers, “Yes, Lord; You know that I love You.”

This week, I heard Jesus asking me over and over, “Gregg, do you love me?”

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Dressed for Success

He’d said this to me for years – in fact, in an email I received from him a week after I met him, he extolled how much he loved the fact that I put an effort into looking nice. But this time, reading it, I took it as an accusation – as in, “I would appreciate it if you would put an effort into your appearance, but you don’t because you’re fat, ugly, frumpy, limp.”

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