Category: kitchen & cooking tips

Evolution of a Real Food “Quick & Easy” Recipe

I’d roasted a turkey on Monday. A few days later, I was up to my eyeballs in edits for my current novel and lost track of time. I was trying to come up with something “quick and easy” for dinner. The problem with that is that I don’t have anything pre-prepared. So, anything I made would need to be MADE. I don’t even think I had any bread so that I could make something like open faced sandwiches.

Then I remembered that there was some Bisquick recipe my mom used to make.

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Tip: Discarding Kitchen Grease

Restaurants can face fines if it’s discovered that they dispose of grease improperly. But restaurants are just part of the problem. I never poured grease down the kitchen sink simply because long ago in my early adulthood, I clogged the sink up with cooking grease. But, until I took this class, I didn’t think twice about flushing grease down the toilet. However, the water from the toilet goes to the same place as the water from my sink, and it flows through pipes and will clog just as easily as it did in my own personal kitchen sink all those years ago.

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Tip: Handling Hot Peppers

Hot peppers contain an nutrient in them called capsicum. Capsicum is what creates the burning sensation in your mouth when you eat something that’s made with hot peppers. It can also burn your skin. When you pick peppers with your bare hands, the capsicum can get on your skin and burn. If you touch your eyes or your mouth with the capsicum on your skin, you can actually get burns that need to be treated medically.

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Avoiding Salmonella in Melons

The more I researched, the more I discovered that you could not only catch salmonella from melons, you could also get E.coli 0157, hepatitis A, Cryptosporidium and Shigella. These food born illnesses can be found in the dirt where melons grow – and since melons grow in the dirt, the rinds get contaminated. When you run a knife through the melon to cut it, it touches the rind then it touches the fruit inside.

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Perfect Every Time Hard Boiled Egg

There are as many methods to cook hard boiled eggs as there are people out there telling you how to cook anything. Every cooking show on television has some different trick or quirk about it. I’ll tell you that I’ve tried all of the tips I’ve ever heard, because I’m curious about things like that and want to find “the best way”. But, I always go back to the way my mom taught me, because it works every single time. When I use this method, I always have perfectly cooked hard boiled eggs.

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