Category: menus & menu planning

Menu Monday 10 OCT 11 – Daniel Fast Week 1

Here’s the menu for my family for the week of October 10th. Last Wednesday night at church, our pastor called for us to begin a 40-day fast. Gregg and I prayed about it and decided that we would do a Daniel Fast. For the next few weeks, you will see a “vegan extreme” diet. We are consuming only fruits, vegetables, and whole grains, and drinking only water – no sugars, honey, syrups, nor leavened bread. Kaylee is observing her own form of this fast and will be abstaining from the sugars and the meat – she will be consuming dairy, however. The boys will be eating our meals with us, but will have some meat and will have dairy.

For lunches, we will be eating hummus with fresh vegetables, avocado and salsa in Ezekiell 4:9 tortillas (the only tortillas I could find with nothing in them but grains), salads, and unsweetened peanut butter with tortillas.

I pray that by sharing our journey with you, you will receiving a blessing from it.

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Menu Monday 03 OCT 2011

Here’s the menu for my family for the week of October 3rd. As far as desserts go, Scott has been begging me to make him some Red Velvet Cupcakes. I also have a ton of new cookie cutters, so I may make some Traditional Sugar Cookies as well.

It is my daughter’s mini-fall break. We have been at my parents’ house all weekend and will return home sometime tonight. While we’ve been gone, I’ve had a turkey breast defrosting in my refrigerator to make lunch meat for the week.

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Menu Monday 22 AUG 2011

Here’s the menu for my family for the week of August 22nd. As far as desserts go, I’m going to play around with some cookie recipes getting ready for a week of lunch box recipes as schools around the country are starting and gearing up to start. Scott has also asked me a dozen times in the last few days to make him Delectable Deluxe Brownies.

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Menu Monday 17 AUG 2011 – Gregg is Home to Stay!!

Here’s the menu for my family for the week of August 17th. We pick my husband up tonight at the airport and he is home to stay! From now on, my menus will be for our entire family! As far as desserts go, this week I will be making Stuffed Red Velvet Cookies for my husband, and a batch of Hershey’s Mini-Kisses cookies for Kaylee’s school lunch. I also have a big batch of pears from a friend at church, so I’m going to attempt a Pear Tart, and will hopefully be posting that recipe soon!

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Menu Monday 08 AUG 2011 – First Day of School!

Here’s the menu for my family for the week of August 8th. As far as desserts go, school starts this week, and Kaylee has requested miniature Cars 2 cakelettes for her first day of school lunch. Her little brother is desperate to make some, and I think that she’s accommodating him. So, we’ll be making some mini-cakes out of Yummy Yellow Cake. I’ll probably also make some Doodleroo’s Snickerdoodles as well.

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Menu Monday 01 AUG 11

Here’s the menu for my family for the week of August 1st. As far as desserts go, my sister and her kids are in town! I’m so excited. I’m going to fill the cookie jar with some Oatmeal Raisin Cinnamon Chip Cookies this morning. I’ve harvested six pumpkins out of my garden, so I’ll be making a Fresh Pumpkin Pie while canning the pumpkin.

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Menu Monday 18 JUL 11

Here’s the menu for my family for the week of July 18th. This is Gregg’s last week home. As far as desserts go, I’m going to re-attempt the red velvet cheesecake. I’m also going to make some Whole Wheat Dark Chocolate Chip Cookies.

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