Category: Gardening

The Garden Week 1

We’ve had the wettest April in recorded history here in central Kentucky, so I’m a couple of weeks behind where I was last year at this time. But, it’s also been unusually cold so it’s good that I couldn’t get out to the yard and get it tilled until now. I ran the tiller last week, and then this past Monday and finally got the seeds and seedlings into the rich Kentucky earth.


Honey Sweetened Grape Jelly with Homemade Apple Pectin

Pectin is found in under ripe food and is a substance that will jell fruit juice when combined with sweeteners. I’m not all that crazy about growing my own fruit, being careful about the source of the food I buy, carefully preparing to preserve such fruit — then having to preserve it with a box of some Sure-Jel that came off of the Wal-Mart shelf. So, I researched into how to make my own pectin.

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The Garden – Week 10

I’m going to have to devote some time today to make some relish. Cucumbers are taking over my refrigerator. I also have 3 big gallon bags of green beans that I need to freeze. I bought a new seal-a-meal – I’m excited to unbox it and put it to use!


The Garden – Week 9

Things are really going to pick up with harvesting the garden in the next couple of weeks. We’re already getting cucumbers and green beans with daily regularity. I’ll be posting my process for cold packing dill pickles as soon as I get to the store to get some dill (because my herb garden was such a disappointment this year.)


The Garden – Week 8

Up until now, the garden has just been in a maintenance state. Water it, weed it, and let it do its own thing. From now forward, though, it’s going to be something that I have to stay on top of. Another couple of weeks and I will just kind of keep my house in a maintenance mode and focus my energies on harvesting and preserving. The kids and I will start spending a whole lot more time outside and then in the kitchen.


First Impressions

I would love to have a yard like that, but I don’t know where to start. I come home from their house so inspired, then I wander around the garden center of Lowes and don’t do anything. We moved into our home on July 2nd three years ago, and I’ve never done anything but mow the yard or build a vegetable garden.

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