Category: missions

March Giveaway: A Miss-Away

So, in the spirit of St. Patrick, a Welsh slave who escaped captivity in Ireland only to return to the land of his captivity and preach the Gospel, this month’s giveaway will be what we’re calling a “Miss-Away” – a donation to your favorite mission. It can be your local church, a missionary group, a youth camp, an orphanage, your town’s soup kitchen — you choose and we will donate $100.00 and then showcase your favorite mission on Monday, March 7th


Domestic vs. International

The church body – identified in Ephesians 1:22-23 as the body of Christ – should be so adept at taking care of the needs of the community, at feeding Christ’s lambs and tending His sheep (John 21:15-18) that children should have to look up the word “need” to know what it means. With thousands of congregants, local charities and help organizations should be turning help away instead of begging for it.


Beannachtaí na Féile Pádraig

Saint Patrick’s Day has come to be associated with everything Irish: anything green and gold, shamrocks and “luck.” To those who celebrate its intended meaning, Saint Patrick’s Day is a traditional day for spiritual renewal and offering prayers for missionaries worldwide. Of the many symbols we associate with this holiday, most notable is likely the Shamrock, which happens to be the National Flower of Ireland. Saint Patrick used the three leaves of the Shamrock to explain the Holy Trinity to pagans and unbelievers.


Helping Hearts Helping Hands

Part of the prize for the March give-away was a showcase of the favorite mission. S Zurek won the giveaway, and Hallee the Homemaker donated $50 to Helping Hearts Helping Hands.

The quote at the top of the website for this organization says:

“Every great dream begins with a dreamer. Always remember, you have within you the strength, the patience, and the passion to reach for the stars to change the world.” -Harriet Tubman


March Giveaway: A Miss-Away

Welcome to March! As we enter into this month with a lion’s roar (and as I type this, a cold wind is blowing snow across my front lawn) and hopefully end it with a mew of a gentle lamb (mmm – Easter dinner), we’ll take some time during the changing of the seasons to celebrate St. Patrick’s Day. There is, of course, more St. Patrick details coming in our near future, but for the purpose of the giveaway, let me quote to you from my St. Patrick’s Day future post:


Hope for Haiti

Earlier this year, a college student at our church went on a missions trip to Haiti through Mission Support International. She absolutely fell in love with the country and with the people she met there. As such, she felt personally affected and deeply moved by the earthquakes in Haiti, and was convicted to DO something to help these people she loved so much. She designed a t-shirt, found a company that would discount the t-shirts and print them for her, and is selling them for $10 – $5 for her cost for the shirt, and $5 will go to Mission Support International who will then disperse the money throughout Haiti. To be clear, 100% of the profits go directly to MSI for earthquake relief efforts.


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