Category: apologetics
If it is as simple as just having the right conditions, it is reasonable to think that life should have “evolved” according to Darwinian principles many, many times before the advent of photosynthesis produced an oxygen concentration which made conditions unfavorable. Yet all life rides upon the same bio-molecules, metabolic pathways, and genetic information which refutes this notion.
Pin ItThe Easter holiday is barely removed from its pagan background. Easter even gets its name from the pagan goddess of spring, Eostre. The myth has it that she rescued a bird whose wings were frozen from the winter wind by turning it into a rabbit. Because the rabbit had once been a bird, it could lay eggs. And there you have the modern Easter Bunny and Easter eggs.
One of the tenets that we live by is best said in Romans 14:2-17. What you eat, and what we eat, what we feed our families, is a choice. When we are criticized for our choice to follow God’s dietary laws with respect to eating clean real food, it always strikes us as kind of strange. There is hardly a more personal choice in the world than what one chooses to consume.
Outside of the odd critic, we have received a lot of questions about why we choose clean real food, and especially with respect to pork and bottom feeders, so I thought those two needed some specific explanation. This post will focus on pork.
Pin ItFor more than a week, the same message kept coming to me. It arrived by four very different avenues and has echoed in my prayer life and in my heart. It is the familiar passage in the 21st chapter of the Gospel of John, verses 15 through 18, in which the resurrected Savior asks Simon Peter three times, paraphrasing, “Do you love Me?” Each time, Peter answers, “Yes, Lord; You know that I love You.”
This week, I heard Jesus asking me over and over, “Gregg, do you love me?”
Abiogenesis is the notion that if you assemble all of the base components you need in order for life to exist under the ideal conditions, that life will simply happen. The context of this so called theory is that all of the base components needed in order for life to exist, along with all of the ideal conditions, had to have come together randomly and exclusively by way of undirected processes.
Pin ItThe next series of Sunday posts will focus on the Darwinian concept of “Abiogenesis” which is the authoritatively scientific sounding word that Darwinists invented to describe how life sprung into existence from non-living matter.
Pin ItToday, I will conclude the series on the age of planet earth documenting evidence from living things and demonstrating some mathematical evidences.
Pin ItToday, I will document logical evidence for a young earth based on a series of logical questions. The premise of these questions is going to be based on facts, not assumptions. I realize that if you are a Darwinist then logic is meaningless to you and facts are irrelevant. Therefore, this post is written more for those who are capable of logical thought and accepting facts, and for that I apologize.
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