Category: Blog Stuff

Crazy Busy Week Prior to Vacation

The day we return is the publication date for A Melody for James (stay tuned for purchase links!), and the garden will need some serious care after a week’s absence. Everything will get crazy busy again. For today, though, while I’m insanely trying to prepare my house for our house sitter, catch up on laundry so that I can pack, and seriously weed my garden so that nothing dies in our absence, I’m just imagining how wonderful it will be to kick back at the pool in our resort or sip coffee at Cafe Dumond.

The next post you get from me will be the announcement of the book sale!

Have a WONDERFUL week — and don’t forget to plan to spoil your husbands and dads for Father’s Day!

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Celebration of Life

That is where I am this weekend. I’m traveling today, and will be completely unplugged until probably Sunday. Gregg is home, though, and is monitoring email and blog stuff for me.

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Newsletter Announcement

I just finished putting together April’s newsletter, which will publish Tuesday morning at 10AM EST. This newsletter is packed full of information about upcoming releases and current projects. If you aren’t already subscribed, you might want to go ahead and sign up. I also send release announcements and purchase links to newsletter recipients — something that may get lost in the social media noise.

Click here to subscribe to my newsletter

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Homemaking “Tribe”

With Triberr, your blog post get fed via RSS (so you don’t have to manually do it) to your “tribe”, and the people there “share” it. In that, they hover over a button, and it gets shared. If you aren’t using Triberr, you’re missing out on an opportunity for nothing more than a large social media footprint. For instance, with all of the members of a Romance Novel Writer Tribe I run, when a blog post is shared by all of the members, it gets shared to 31,648 individual Twitter followers (my 3,600 Twitter followers plus the Twitter followers of all of the other people in my tribe). An Indie Authors tribe of which I’m a member has a reach to 244, 552. When I write an author blog post, with all of my tribes, my post is sent to about 800,000 Twitter followers.

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Pinkalicious, Head Injuries, Romance Writers & Teen Drivers

His pediatrician looked at him and did not like the way he acted or looked, so he sent us to the ER for a CT scan. About 5 minutes after I got there (our doctor had called ahead and immediately triaged him and put us in a room), Gregg arrived from his office, and about 5 minutes later, our pastor arrived. He annointed Scott with oil and prayed over him. (I love our pastor.) Scott was a trooper during the CT scan, even though he was scared. The results were clear – no bleeding on the brain — but he definitely has a concussion.

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Newsletter Signup & Giveaway

The next newsletter will be going out on February 4th! Since Facebook only allows about 50-60 people out of the over 2,050 who have “liked” my page to even see what I post, and since Twitter and Google+ are very “noisy” and hard to pick out actual meat, I generate a monthly newsletter and sending occasional email alerts. So that you don’t miss announcements and news, you can sign up for that by entering your email address in this box below.

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Facebook Sucks Follow-Up: Homemaking with Hallee on Google+

In a follow-up to my Facebook Sucks post, I decided to make a move.

A new feature on Google+ is communities. As soon as it started, I became a member of a number of writers’ communities. I did a search recently for “homemaking” within the communities and only found 5 — three of which were private groups. So, I thought, why not start one? Obviously, there’s a hole there.

So I created a community on Google+. I would LOVE for this to become more than just a place for me to share – my vision is for it to become a regular hangout for homemakers, homemaking bloggers, wives, moms, and just friends in general.

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Facebook Sucks

I’m pretty much done.

In the past, I often encouraged conversation on all of the social media sites, but Twitter and Google+ are full of so many people that your voice is just a whisper in the crowd. Now on Facebook, where it used to be fun to spark conversation, they have effectively shut the door in your face and blocked you from the crowd.

I’ve developed a newsletter sign-up, where I will announce book news. And, I have this blog and my writing blog. But, as far as major social media interaction, it just can’t happen anymore because Facebook isn’t allowing it to happen. If you want to make sure you don’t miss any news or any posts, my suggestion is to subscribe to emails where you will get the blog in your email account the morning it posts and sign up for my newsletter.

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