Difficult and Terrifying
A few weeks ago, my pastor asked me to give my testimony to the church regarding this blog post.
I have to tell you, that was probably the most difficult thing I’ve ever done. I wanted to tell him no. I wanted it to snow so much the night before that church would be cancelled. I wanted anything to happen but me having to give that testimony.
But, I did it.
We had a guest with us – a leader with Cru – someone Gregg and I support financially. He slipped me a note right before the pastor called me to the platform. The note said:
We had guests visiting the church who are good friends of our church and run an international drug rehab outreach. They went to lunch with us after the service and asked me to come give that same testimony to their women’s home in another city.
After doing it once, I think the hard part is over. I’ve broken the ice and confessed hard things to my church family – to some people on earth who love me the most. And, I survived. So, I think the next time will be much easier and less terrifying for me.
Do not be afraid. Even in situations that terrify you, know that God has not given you a spirit of fear. And, imagine the lives you can change if you go forward with courage.
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Oh Hallee, that is beautiful. I would love to read your testimony. Is it on your blog somewhere. I am in the mist of living that verse, I so understand what you mean
much gratitude for your transparency.
Hi Hallee! First off, I miss you! Since making the decision to ditch FB, I feel so out of touch with my internet peeps. I’m thankful I still get your blog emails! :)
You have, as usual, hit the proverbial nail on the head. I am sorry you had to endure rape and assault, but I applaud you for speaking about it in a way that helps young women, especially, understand that we have control of what message we send to others. After hearing stories of campus activity from a veteran police friend, more women and moms need to speak with the same honesty and common sense as you have. Preach it, sister!
Hallie, I’d love to read your testimony.
Why does fear always get the best of us? Why can’t we rely on a God who is bigger than our biggest fear? I guess that is our sin nature. Thank you for the encouragement! As always, you are inspirational.
This specific testimony is linked in the post. But you can also get to it here: http://www.halleethehomemaker.com/2013/03/responsibility-other-r-words/
I am SOOOOOOOOOOOOO happy to hear from you! I miss you!
Thank you, Tammy. This specific testimony is linked in the post. But you can also get to it here: http://www.halleethehomemaker.com/2013/03/responsibility-other-r-words/